Friday, October 9, 2015

Cloud Types

This week in science we are watching clouds. Big puffy ones, small wispy ones, rain clouds, thunder clouds, all of them! But, we are going to learn what their real names are. We are going to learn how to tell what kind of weather we might expect. There are three types that we'll talk about: Cumulus, Cirrus, and Stratus. Below, I have three short  videos about each type of cloud. Watch them before Thursday so you'll be prepared for our lesson!


Cumulus Clouds

Cirrus Clouds

 Stratus Clouds

Animoto is a fun way to make short videos using pictures, music, or short video clips. If this is something you'd be interested in, this is another one you could use for your personal narrative.

Standard 2
Students will understand that the elements of weather can be observed, measured, and recorded to make predictions and determine simple weather patterns.

Objective 1
Observe, measure, and record the basic elements of weather.
 Identify basic cloud types (i.e., cumulus, cirrus, stratus clouds).

Standard 4
Use general purpose productivity tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, to remediate skill deficits, and to facilitate learning throughout the curriculum. (3)

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